Located just off the coast of Northern Sumatra Indonesia is the small island of Nias. While living there, Ibu Mastina, the founder and proprietor of the orphanage, noticed some of the children in her village were unable to attend school because they could not afford it. Feeling called to help these children, she sold her five cows and half of her family's coconut farm to bring 20 children ranging from 6 to 16 years old to Medan. She rented a small home and struggled to support the children with the proceeds of the remaining half of her coconut farm.
The home they rented was on the same street as the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After seeing the missionaries pass a few times, they asked if they could attend church there. They began attending meetings and many have since become baptized as members of The Church.
Donations made specifically to Bina Kasih Orphanage will go to help supply needed food and clothing for the children along with any support needed for school fees. To donate to the orphanage, you may send a check to Jaredita Foundation, 9884 Congressional Way, South Jordan, UT 84095 or use click the button below to use PayPal for secure online donations. To make sure that we know your donation is for the orphanage please send an email to Handi Mulia at hmulia@comcast.net to inform Handi that your donation is meant for the orphanage. Please include your name and the amount of your donation in the email.
Two ways to give
For as little as $15 per month you can sustain a student through primary and secondary education.
01.Our Website
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02.Write a Check
We also gratefully accept checks. Please make them out to the following address:
Jaredita Foundation, Inc.9884 Congressional Way
South Jordan, UT 84095
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